Invaluable support for you, your birthing plan, & your baby.


What's it like to work with me?

I’m a firm believer that there’s no one specific method of birth or raising a baby that works for everyone. You know what’s right for your body & your baby. I’m here to offer you comfort through informed & evidence-based support in any decision you make. I will always encourage you to learn, so you can feel comfortable & empowered advocating for yourself.

My purpose is to serve your journey

As a mother, I have experienced first hand the feeling of having my questions & concerns unaddressed until I was fully engulfed in fear. As a new parent you may expect to rely on the doctors to give you all the details or information needed to be prepared for your circumstances. The reality of this is that, more often than not, they are expecting you to gather information on your own and come in with questions specific to their comfort zone. This can leave you shopping for providers and asking other parents for guidance.

Since starting my journey as a birth doula, I've been able to look at a lot of these issues from an outside perspective, & see there's only one thing I could've changed that would have made a difference regardless of the outcome.

Doula support is truly an invaluable service, & I believe if given that support throughout your pregnancy, you can appreciate more instead of holding onto anxiety, fear, stress, or worries. Whether you have a “normal, healthy” pregnancy, have been deemed high risk, or are walking through postpartum/Bereavement I can be there for you. I can’t express enough how much having a doula can been life changing for you, your experience, & your baby. My goal is to help facilitate & ensure informed consent is maintained to empower you with the knowledge needed to feel confident in making educated decisions. I will advocate & reassure you that you are heard, acknowledged, & supported emotionally, physically, & mentally. Whether you are choosing a birthing center, hospital, or your home to birth, I can’t wait to walk with you through this journey & welcome your children Earth side.

Want to learn more?

All meet & greets are free of charge, Let’s talk about your baby!